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May 18, 2017 4:03 AM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
Crossbell said:
Tell me - say we live in a world where Abu and Rosie are both scum. Who is the last scum in your viewpoint?
Vote count I the spoiler below.
Based of my current reads and what I can make of this vote count I'd say You, Shinichi, Ruu, or Mela (to a lesser extent since our interaction) You could throw RE in there too but I have a town on right now. So you, Ruu, Shinichi would be where I would look.

🍫 Day 1 Final Votecount 🍫

🐤 Role Index 🐤

>>Day 1 Timer<<
So I am not really the greatest at analyzing vote counts so anyone who is please help me out. This is from my PoV. You all know the drill by add yourself to it, analyze it, and please share your thoughts.
I kinda feel like Ruu is distancing herself from the important trains.
May 18, 2017 4:04 AM

Dec 2013
Oyasumi_Rosie said:
Why bother, its clear that everyone has made up there minds. They knew since day 1?

What was the fucking point of this day.

Well you've already given up but there's a decent amount of interaction between others this day. You're just not looking for it or something.

Edit: Fixed bb code.
wen294May 18, 2017 4:17 AM
May 18, 2017 6:56 AM

Sep 2016
Sorry for the delay, went from packing all day to driving all night, not fun.
Anyway, about my plan, seeing as it ticked more than a couple people off, I won't joke about it.

Because my role is the double voter, and Rosie only needs 2 votes for a lynch, I'm going to offer to use my active and vote for her today. I'm getting scum read by at least two people, and it'd be a waste for someone with a much better townie rep to be killed (and flip town).
I had this plan since N1, and I was quite worried I'd be killed because my role is dangerous for scum. If the top two lynch trains are scum and me, I can vote scum simply to save myself.
This plan does work - like you technically can't stop me because if I use my active, you'd be risking getting killed by the bomb for nothing. It's just that if Rosie is mafia, it works better because then we know town was always going to get killed, and then the votes can be more easily read. If she's TPR, then there'd actually be a chance of mafia dying, and votes will be harder to read.
And of course, the reason I had to wait is because if I offered this plan from the start, there'd be nothing to go off on when it comes to who's willing to vote Rosie and who's not, since we'll all just default to the plan.
There are a couple issues with my plan, but all of them are trust-issues. Also, the only reason I'm telling you instead of doing it is just in case I missed something and it doesn't work before I waste my only shot.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2017 7:04 AM

Dec 2013
RE1031 said:
Sorry for the delay, went from packing all day to driving all night, not fun.
Anyway, about my plan, seeing as it ticked more than a couple people off, I won't joke about it.

Because my role is the double voter, and Rosie only needs 2 votes for a lynch, I'm going to offer to use my active and vote for her today. I'm getting scum read by at least two people, and it'd be a waste for someone with a much better townie rep to be killed (and flip town).
I had this plan since N1, and I was quite worried I'd be killed because my role is dangerous for scum. If the top two lynch trains are scum and me, I can vote scum simply to save myself.
This plan does work - like you technically can't stop me because if I use my active, you'd be risking getting killed by the bomb for nothing. It's just that if Rosie is mafia, it works better because then we know town was always going to get killed, and then the votes can be more easily read. If she's TPR, then there'd actually be a chance of mafia dying, and votes will be harder to read.
And of course, the reason I had to wait is because if I offered this plan from the start, there'd be nothing to go off on when it comes to who's willing to vote Rosie and who's not, since we'll all just default to the plan.
There are a couple issues with my plan, but all of them are trust-issues. Also, the only reason I'm telling you instead of doing it is just in case I missed something and it doesn't work before I waste my only shot.

Ohkey so your plan is basically to have everybody remove their votes in this phase and have only you vote Rosie with your active on?

Sounds like a plan, tho i'd be kinda scared of ninjas.
May 18, 2017 7:10 AM

Sep 2016
wen294 said:

Ohkey so your plan is basically to have everybody remove their votes in this phase and have only you vote Rosie with your active on?

Sounds like a plan, tho i'd be kinda scared of ninjas.

Yup. And it works better that way, if someone (even me) were to mess with votes last minute, well you got your next two lynch targets.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2017 7:33 AM

Jan 2010
Good morning.
I'm here a little later than expected but I'll be around for a while.
I'm back reading now.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 18, 2017 7:37 AM

Sep 2016
logic340 said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

Seems like only u and rei are dismmissing its possibility , the votes don't answer questions words do XD.
So RE pretty much dismissed it with her post #685 but I'd like you to show me where I am? I even asked her to help us hunt down the final two scum and take one of them with her?

I mean she could still be TPR but I don't think that's her wincon.

Also, yes, I'm starting to get those kinds of vibes from Crossbell. Voting for Abu could just be this game's version of coming down on grrr. Also, he confessed that he visited Zymf last night, but I don't know why he'd do that when Zymf made a big deal of jailing Crossbell?
Don't know why Ruu's voting for me. That lynch is never gonna go through, and she isn't a stubborn player like me. Seems like an attempt to get off the train.

logic340 said:
He broke the tie, you don't know me but I vote my convictions and tasker rarely move my vote late in the phase (@Shinichi-kun, @Ruu, @Oysumi-Rosie, @Crossbell, @RE1031 if I'm wrong about that last line please do let me know).

Can confirm, in Kitty mafia I believe this happened when Crossbell got lynched but vote was on someone else.

Crossbell said:
@RE1031 - I think that we should lynch Rosie Today but I think we should just let neutrals come out of the wash, personally. We shouldn't let the possible existence of third parties distract us from lynching scum.

Knowing Togs I don't actually think there is be a third party in this game, since we've had a backlash of neutrals on our home site in the past year or so.

Why you tagging me when you haven't voted yourself? T_T
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2017 7:45 AM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

this didnt eanswer my question lol
specifically I guess I would like is a read on Crossbell at the moment. I expressed why I feel the vibes are similar, but again maybe that is my paranoia, which is why I want you, Rosie, and Ruu to give be your take in him right now.

Ill have aread read on him done before today is over.

May 18, 2017 7:53 AM

Dec 2013
Crossbell said:

Man is this game really this easy?

logic is my strongest behavioral townread. Zymf had that interaction with Abu that I don't think comes from scum-scum, and besides, Wyndz confirmed him. Wyndz is also a decently strong behavioral townread since he's new, but he's actively trying to figure out the gamestate and has the natural inquisitiveness of a townie. melanoid is also probably town because they were the first vote on Abu. I'm pretty certain that everyone on the Abu wagon is town because scum didn't have enough time to react.

wen is probably the person here who is scum if we're in a Hard Mode world but these Day 1 reactions just seem so clean. I don't think he's scum for now.

RE/Ruu/Shinichi/Rosie would be my guess for Abu's teammates?

Fair Enough cross i cant argue with that read on me cause its something evreyone would consider from my lack of vote.

Also i kinda got the same vibe for mel, i mean ik its possible to bus but scum normally wont start a train that early espically on day 1. Logic im still iffy about same with wen.

May 18, 2017 7:55 AM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
Crossbell said:
Tell me - say we live in a world where Abu and Rosie are both scum. Who is the last scum in your viewpoint?
Vote count I the spoiler below.
Based of my current reads and what I can make of this vote count I'd say You, Shinichi, Ruu, or Mela (to a lesser extent since our interaction) You could throw RE in there too but I have a town on right now. So you, Ruu, Shinichi would be where I would look.

🍫 Day 1 Final Votecount 🍫

🐤 Role Index 🐤

>>Day 1 Timer<<
So I am not really the greatest at analyzing vote counts so anyone who is please help me out. This is from my PoV. You all know the drill by add yourself to it, analyze it, and please share your thoughts.

From my POV since abu was on mela train its possible no one there is scum since i dont think scum would vote for the same person this early but then again rosie is on that train >_>.

If youu look at the abu train logically the only people who could possibly be scum there is wen or crossbell maybe wen tho?

Also @logic340 why is ruu vote on you?

May 18, 2017 7:56 AM

Dec 2013
Oyasumi_Rosie said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

No one acn know his plan has failed its literally impossible why because he hasnt posted his plan lol.
They posted "My plan fails if Rosie is not scum."

But your talking under the assumption we all beive your claim lol

May 18, 2017 7:57 AM

Dec 2013
Oyasumi_Rosie said:
logic340 said:
@Oyasumi_Rosie - If you are not scum the who do you think is wen's teammate Wyn/Cross (this is from your post #680

Why? What does it matter? You won't believe me, you won't take me seriously. Nothing I said hold any water, nothing do means anything.

I hope town loses this game

/Edit: I guess Cross is more scummy out of the two. His lurking behaviors seems similar to that in Kitty.

Ok but your still third party no reason to risk working with you

May 18, 2017 7:58 AM

Dec 2013
Oyasumi_Rosie said:
logic340 said:
I think I'm one of the few who does take you seriously. Everything you day matters on the chance you flip tpr and it's proven your not lying. I understand your frustration I've been there. When no one will listen Logic is here for you. I wouldn't ask you if it held no weight and thanks for your response on Crossbell. Shinichi seems a bit standoffish when I ask him? Do you have any thoughts on him?
He seems like a real jerk, but I am too emotional right now to make any good reads, I just want this day to be over

How am i being a jerk lol, everyone and i mean everyone that plays with me knows my standpoint on tpr i have nothing against you but i dont trust tpr roles because nromally if notalways their win condition tends to be harmful to town and mafia will manipulate that.

May 18, 2017 7:59 AM

Dec 2013
WyNdZ said:
I don't really see the need to think too much about whether Rosie is third party or mafia. I personally think she's a third party but that doesn't change anything. She's a hindrance to the town, as we've seen how she almost created a tie. There's also the fact that she's the bomber so if we're gonna get rid of her I'd prefer we do it earlier rather than later. It would be interesting if we're able to determine on which day Rosie activated her bombs based on her posts. I'm thinking she probably chose odd days.

There's also the possibility of Rosie being mafia. She has no doubt exhibited lots of mafia behaviour. As such I'm fine with keeping my vote on Rosie.
Shinichi-Kun said:
No one would adopt it cause some people have the time to read the games at work I don't, i also had no idea who was gonna get lynched. I didn't wanna be a vote on a train that led to a towns life without having the option to reconsider idk why this is so strange i litrerally provide this explanation in any game where ill miss phase change cause of work lmfao

I can understand your reasoning. Day 1 is understandable but I think not voting on day 2 as well is pushing it a little. Anyways we'll see what happens this phase.

I am voting on day 2? Also ill be missing the phase change again since i work tomorrow but i have no reasonto remove my vote from rosie.

May 18, 2017 8:01 AM

Dec 2013
wen294 said:
Shinichi-Kun said:
my god so much to catch up too smh lol

Shinichi-Kun said:
Also i find the chances of the bomb role being the tpr so bs, its so easy for scum to hide behind this its not even funny.

Are you all sriously ok with just accepting that shes tpr?

TPR or scum, a threat to town either way.

True like i said claiming tpr is suicidal.

May 18, 2017 8:03 AM

Dec 2013
wen294 said:
Crossbell said:
What do you think about my post 797? Do you think that scum Ruu points out yurkin as someone to look out for and then NKs her?

Relying on NK analysis is sketchy, I understand, but it seems like an odd choice of play coming from Ruu if she's scum.
Bad thing to base a read on. I'd advise you to let that go.
For all we know Ruu wasn't involved in the NK, or she and/or her partner decided to NK yurkin only after she had already made that post.

I tend to use NK Analysis because sometimes it works really well, since knowing if a NK was made out of fear or was random could lead to us figuring out a few of the scum.

May 18, 2017 8:04 AM

Dec 2013
RE1031 said:
Sorry for the delay, went from packing all day to driving all night, not fun.
Anyway, about my plan, seeing as it ticked more than a couple people off, I won't joke about it.

Because my role is the double voter, and Rosie only needs 2 votes for a lynch, I'm going to offer to use my active and vote for her today. I'm getting scum read by at least two people, and it'd be a waste for someone with a much better townie rep to be killed (and flip town).
I had this plan since N1, and I was quite worried I'd be killed because my role is dangerous for scum. If the top two lynch trains are scum and me, I can vote scum simply to save myself.
This plan does work - like you technically can't stop me because if I use my active, you'd be risking getting killed by the bomb for nothing. It's just that if Rosie is mafia, it works better because then we know town was always going to get killed, and then the votes can be more easily read. If she's TPR, then there'd actually be a chance of mafia dying, and votes will be harder to read.
And of course, the reason I had to wait is because if I offered this plan from the start, there'd be nothing to go off on when it comes to who's willing to vote Rosie and who's not, since we'll all just default to the plan.
There are a couple issues with my plan, but all of them are trust-issues. Also, the only reason I'm telling you instead of doing it is just in case I missed something and it doesn't work before I waste my only shot.

Fair enough i asssumed your plan had something to do with your ability, if rosie is getting lynched today scum will most likely slip up.

May 18, 2017 8:13 AM

Dec 2013
RE1031 said:
logic340 said:
So RE pretty much dismissed it with her post #685 but I'd like you to show me where I am? I even asked her to help us hunt down the final two scum and take one of them with her?

I mean she could still be TPR but I don't think that's her wincon.

Also, yes, I'm starting to get those kinds of vibes from Crossbell. Voting for Abu could just be this game's version of coming down on grrr. Also, he confessed that he visited Zymf last night, but I don't know why he'd do that when Zymf made a big deal of jailing Crossbell?
Don't know why Ruu's voting for me. That lynch is never gonna go through, and she isn't a stubborn player like me. Seems like an attempt to get off the train.

logic340 said:
He broke the tie, you don't know me but I vote my convictions and tasker rarely move my vote late in the phase (@Shinichi-kun, @Ruu, @Oysumi-Rosie, @Crossbell, @RE1031 if I'm wrong about that last line please do let me know).

Can confirm, in Kitty mafia I believe this happened when Crossbell got lynched but vote was on someone else.

Crossbell said:
@RE1031 - I think that we should lynch Rosie Today but I think we should just let neutrals come out of the wash, personally. We shouldn't let the possible existence of third parties distract us from lynching scum.

Knowing Togs I don't actually think there is be a third party in this game, since we've had a backlash of neutrals on our home site in the past year or so.

Why you tagging me when you haven't voted yourself? T_T

Jailer is the most powerful role and know its confirm gives town a huge advantage so of course theres a chance it will be night killed.

May 18, 2017 8:34 AM

Sep 2016
Shinichi-Kun said:

Jailer is the most powerful role and know its confirm gives town a huge advantage so of course theres a chance it will be night killed.

Yeah but Zymf made a big deal about jailing Crossbell. Could be that he just didn't believe him, but it's not worth the risk. If Zymf did visit Crossbell, it would have been a waste of a shot.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2017 8:42 AM

Jan 2010
WyNdZ said:
logic340 said:

I really hope to hear from @Zymf, @Wyndz, and @wen294 as I am trying to decide who I should invite over for tea.

Hmm I assume by tea you mean using your special ability. Well I prefer we sit in a cafe and drink some coffee instead of tea. Drinking tea is for old people.

Umm okay to be honest I don't really see much benefit in having a secret conversation. I feel like whatever discussion we need to do can be done in this thread. Anyways maybe it would be beneficial for you having a secret conversation with zymf. You could advise him/give suggestion on who he should use his ability on. I have a town read on you but I'm not sure if Zymf feels the same way but it'll regardless give him some thoughts on who to use it on and then the final decision is up to him.

I don't really mind being invited to the secret chat although I don't see the benefit. If you've thought of any benefit then feel free to invite me.
Inviting someone to tea is how it's been called in prior games but I am more of a coffee person myself so that works fine. FYI I may not come across that way but I am a old

Well I have ever had this role before. But I think understand various uses for it. Like all roles it's stronger when the owner is unknown but I think it can still be useful. This type of role is truly suited to strategic players. I try to be strategic but I am very behavioral in my approach and have a hard time reconciling behavior and mechanics. I feel DenjaX, wen and Zymf are a few players who would I feel would get the full potential and benefit greatly from this type of role.
I have reasons outside of you all being my top reads.
Wyndz - Strongest behavioral read ad we have had some mind meld moments. We're thinking so much alike that I dot know if we ca n actually benefit from being neighbors together?
Zymf - Confirmed town and a mechanical player. Being that I am more behavioral I think we could work well off one another.
wen - As stated I know he would have bussed Abu as scum ut I dot think that's the case here. So I still need to figure him out a little but I'm confident. He's pretty unfiltered in this thread so I ca imagine what he'll be like I a private chat? I definitely think working through things with him would e fun.

I'd also consider RE I like her for town here, I think she plays more I lie with the majority as mafia? We were Cult members together I another game and I know we could work well together as neighbors.

The benefits I see are if at of you are scum it puts me I close proximity to you in order to make a better read. Vise versa for you guys with me.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 18, 2017 8:46 AM

Jan 2010
RE1031 said:
Sorry for the delay, went from packing all day to driving all night, not fun.
Anyway, about my plan, seeing as it ticked more than a couple people off, I won't joke about it.

Because my role is the double voter, and Rosie only needs 2 votes for a lynch, I'm going to offer to use my active and vote for her today. I'm getting scum read by at least two people, and it'd be a waste for someone with a much better townie rep to be killed (and flip town).
I had this plan since N1, and I was quite worried I'd be killed because my role is dangerous for scum. If the top two lynch trains are scum and me, I can vote scum simply to save myself.
This plan does work - like you technically can't stop me because if I use my active, you'd be risking getting killed by the bomb for nothing. It's just that if Rosie is mafia, it works better because then we know town was always going to get killed, and then the votes can be more easily read. If she's TPR, then there'd actually be a chance of mafia dying, and votes will be harder to read.
And of course, the reason I had to wait is because if I offered this plan from the start, there'd be nothing to go off on when it comes to who's willing to vote Rosie and who's not, since we'll all just default to the plan.
There are a couple issues with my plan, but all of them are trust-issues. Also, the only reason I'm telling you instead of doing it is just in case I missed something and it doesn't work before I waste my only shot.
So are you saying that you would de the only voting Rosie then? Did you use your Double vote today? Seems very risky for mafia to be proposing this but I need to look at all he angles.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 18, 2017 8:50 AM

Jan 2010
RE1031 said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

Jailer is the most powerful role and know its confirm gives town a huge advantage so of course theres a chance it will be night killed.

Yeah but Zymf made a big deal about jailing Crossbell. Could be that he just didn't believe him, but it's not worth the risk. If Zymf did visit Crossbell, it would have been a waste of a shot.
I think Zymf said something about that being wine? In the end he said he was going to jail Wyndz I believe.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 18, 2017 8:59 AM

Sep 2016
logic340 said:
RE1031 said:

Yeah but Zymf made a big deal about jailing Crossbell. Could be that he just didn't believe him, but it's not worth the risk. If Zymf did visit Crossbell, it would have been a waste of a shot.
I think Zymf said something about that being wine? In the end he said he was going to jail Wyndz I believe.

Zymf confessed moments before phase change that he jailed WyNdZ, but he said ~2 hours before he would jail Crossbell. Unless Crossbell sent his night action before Zymf made all that up.

logic340 said:
So are you saying that you would de the only voting Rosie then? Did you use your Double vote today? Seems very risky for mafia to be proposing this but I need to look at all he angles.

All I have to do to activate it is pm or tag the mods in the thread. I haven't activated it yet.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2017 9:09 AM

Dec 2013
RE1031 said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

Jailer is the most powerful role and know its confirm gives town a huge advantage so of course theres a chance it will be night killed.

Yeah but Zymf made a big deal about jailing Crossbell. Could be that he just didn't believe him, but it's not worth the risk. If Zymf did visit Crossbell, it would have been a waste of a shot.

But bluffs are a thing too lol

May 18, 2017 9:10 AM

Jan 2010
RE1031 said:
logic340 said:
So RE pretty much dismissed it with her post #685 but I'd like you to show me where I am? I even asked her to help us hunt down the final two scum and take one of them with her?

I mean she could still be TPR but I don't think that's her wincon.

Also, yes, I'm starting to get those kinds of vibes from Crossbell. Voting for Abu could just be this game's version of coming down on grrr. Also, he confessed that he visited Zymf last night, but I don't know why he'd do that when Zymf made a big deal of jailing Crossbell?
Don't know why Ruu's voting for me. That lynch is never gonna go through, and she isn't a stubborn player like me. Seems like an attempt to get off the train.
Honestly after my interaction with Rosie this morning I'm more inclined to believe she is TPR. If that emotion was faked she's a better scum than I give her credit for. That being said she's still got to go.

Thank you I thought I was going crazy about Cross. I know I like to tunnel the he'll out of him so I really do want other opinions. I'm liking his latest reads but me being his strongest town read after not explaining why I was off earlier has me a little concerned. Shinichi has been a bit standoffish while you and Rosie answered what do you make of that? If Rosie flips scum I'm liking right at Ruu.
If she flips TPR I'm liking st Ruu/Shinichi/Crossbell

RE1031 said:
Can confirm, in Kitty mafia I believe this happened when Crossbell got lynched but vote was on someone else.
You're right I jumped from scum!Cross to scum!grrr then lost is the game by throwing away my reads and going with mechanics and vote counts (i wont be doing that again).
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 18, 2017 9:14 AM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
I feel DenjaX, wen and Zymf are a few players who would I feel would get the full potential and benefit greatly from this type of role.

I'm not really good at convincing people of anything. Strategy in who to neighbourize will only get you so far.
May 18, 2017 9:16 AM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
RE1031 said:
Sorry for the delay, went from packing all day to driving all night, not fun.
Anyway, about my plan, seeing as it ticked more than a couple people off, I won't joke about it.

Because my role is the double voter, and Rosie only needs 2 votes for a lynch, I'm going to offer to use my active and vote for her today. I'm getting scum read by at least two people, and it'd be a waste for someone with a much better townie rep to be killed (and flip town).
I had this plan since N1, and I was quite worried I'd be killed because my role is dangerous for scum. If the top two lynch trains are scum and me, I can vote scum simply to save myself.
This plan does work - like you technically can't stop me because if I use my active, you'd be risking getting killed by the bomb for nothing. It's just that if Rosie is mafia, it works better because then we know town was always going to get killed, and then the votes can be more easily read. If she's TPR, then there'd actually be a chance of mafia dying, and votes will be harder to read.
And of course, the reason I had to wait is because if I offered this plan from the start, there'd be nothing to go off on when it comes to who's willing to vote Rosie and who's not, since we'll all just default to the plan.
There are a couple issues with my plan, but all of them are trust-issues. Also, the only reason I'm telling you instead of doing it is just in case I missed something and it doesn't work before I waste my only shot.
So are you saying that you would de the only voting Rosie then? Did you use your Double vote today? Seems very risky for mafia to be proposing this but I need to look at all he angles.

Tbf it could technically work and if people try to mess with the results then there alignment will be questioned.

May 18, 2017 9:17 AM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
RE1031 said:

I mean she could still be TPR but I don't think that's her wincon.

Also, yes, I'm starting to get those kinds of vibes from Crossbell. Voting for Abu could just be this game's version of coming down on grrr. Also, he confessed that he visited Zymf last night, but I don't know why he'd do that when Zymf made a big deal of jailing Crossbell?
Don't know why Ruu's voting for me. That lynch is never gonna go through, and she isn't a stubborn player like me. Seems like an attempt to get off the train.
Honestly after my interaction with Rosie this morning I'm more inclined to believe she is TPR. If that emotion was faked she's a better scum than I give her credit for. That being said she's still got to go.
The frustration of nobody listening to you is real irregardless of your alignment. My personal bet is on her being an excecutioner but there's still a possibility for her to be scum.
May 18, 2017 9:20 AM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
RE1031 said:
Sorry for the delay, went from packing all day to driving all night, not fun.
Anyway, about my plan, seeing as it ticked more than a couple people off, I won't joke about it.

Because my role is the double voter, and Rosie only needs 2 votes for a lynch, I'm going to offer to use my active and vote for her today. I'm getting scum read by at least two people, and it'd be a waste for someone with a much better townie rep to be killed (and flip town).
I had this plan since N1, and I was quite worried I'd be killed because my role is dangerous for scum. If the top two lynch trains are scum and me, I can vote scum simply to save myself.
This plan does work - like you technically can't stop me because if I use my active, you'd be risking getting killed by the bomb for nothing. It's just that if Rosie is mafia, it works better because then we know town was always going to get killed, and then the votes can be more easily read. If she's TPR, then there'd actually be a chance of mafia dying, and votes will be harder to read.
And of course, the reason I had to wait is because if I offered this plan from the start, there'd be nothing to go off on when it comes to who's willing to vote Rosie and who's not, since we'll all just default to the plan.
There are a couple issues with my plan, but all of them are trust-issues. Also, the only reason I'm telling you instead of doing it is just in case I missed something and it doesn't work before I waste my only shot.
So are you saying that you would de the only voting Rosie then? Did you use your Double vote today? Seems very risky for mafia to be proposing this but I need to look at all he angles.

Can't we just make all the people in the PoE pile vote for Rosie, and then rosie can just kill whoever from that pile?
May 18, 2017 9:23 AM

Sep 2016
logic340 said:
RE1031 said:

I mean she could still be TPR but I don't think that's her wincon.

Also, yes, I'm starting to get those kinds of vibes from Crossbell. Voting for Abu could just be this game's version of coming down on grrr. Also, he confessed that he visited Zymf last night, but I don't know why he'd do that when Zymf made a big deal of jailing Crossbell?
Don't know why Ruu's voting for me. That lynch is never gonna go through, and she isn't a stubborn player like me. Seems like an attempt to get off the train.
Honestly after my interaction with Rosie this morning I'm more inclined to believe she is TPR. If that emotion was faked she's a better scum than I give her credit for. That being said she's still got to go.

Thank you I thought I was going crazy about Cross. I know I like to tunnel the he'll out of him so I really do want other opinions. I'm liking his latest reads but me being his strongest town read after not explaining why I was off earlier has me a little concerned. Shinichi has been a bit standoffish while you and Rosie answered what do you make of that? If Rosie flips scum I'm liking right at Ruu.
If she flips TPR I'm liking st Ruu/Shinichi/Crossbell

RE1031 said:
Can confirm, in Kitty mafia I believe this happened when Crossbell got lynched but vote was on someone else.
You're right I jumped from scum!Cross to scum!grrr then lost is the game by throwing away my reads and going with mechanics and vote counts (i wont be doing that again).

I honestly don't think Shinichi is scum. I stand by my assessment from day 1 - that scum wouldn't plan ahead of time who they were going to pressure vote based on the role. I did get a little worried because his ability can be really helpful to scum since it's pretty much confirmed that Rosie is dying today (so he can get the bomb), and I'm most likely dying today unless by some off chance Rosie chose odd instead of even, and double voter is also helpful to scum. But that's based on the role, not the person.
And yeah, I wouldn't give Crossbell anymore freebies. Day 1 was townie enough, but today he goes from suspecting me to tagging me in a post saying we should vote Rosie. It's a slim chance, but it's possible when he said that he visited Zymf that he didn't read the part where Zymf said he was gonna jail Crossbell (cause scum don't read always).
Anyway before I suspect Ruu even more I'd like to see her reaction to my plan (as well as everyone's).

@Shinichi-kun Yes they are, but if someone said they were going to roleblock you, would you take that chance and use an ability?
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2017 9:27 AM

Jan 2010
wen294 said:
logic340 said:
Honestly after my interaction with Rosie this morning I'm more inclined to believe she is TPR. If that emotion was faked she's a better scum than I give her credit for. That being said she's still got to go.
The frustration of nobody listening to you is real irregardless of your alignment. My personal bet is on her being an excecutioner but there's still a possibility for her to be scum.
I guess you're right there about the frustration coming from any alignment. Executioner is kind of like your role in Disgaea but Rosie has to pick/guess the person?
If she's scum who do you think her partner is?
If she's TPR we should still have 2 scum to catch? Who do you think they might be?

wen294 said:
logic340 said:
I feel DenjaX, wen and Zymf are a few players who would I feel would get the full potential and benefit greatly from this type of role.

I'm not really good at convincing people of anything. Strategy in who to neighbourize will only get you so far.
to me it's about your pause and approach to mafia that makes me feel that way. I know it will only take me so far but I'm hoping to get some use out if it nonetheless
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 18, 2017 9:27 AM

Sep 2016
wen294 said:

Can't we just make all the people in the PoE pile vote for Rosie, and then rosie can just kill whoever from that pile?

I did think about this lol but it seems a bit cruel. Plus I doubt they would consent. Town knowing they themselves are town wouldn't do it, and mafia wouldn't do it either cause they are scum.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2017 9:29 AM

Jan 2010
wen294 said:
logic340 said:
So are you saying that you would de the only voting Rosie then? Did you use your Double vote today? Seems very risky for mafia to be proposing this but I need to look at all he angles.

Can't we just make all the people in the PoE pile vote for Rosie, and then rosie can just kill whoever from that pile?
I was thinking something similar earlier. I don't want zymf anywhere near this train. I think I'd also be good with you and Wyndz off of it as well. I'm not sure what others think(besides Shinichi) but I asked who we think should be exempt from voting Rosie today earlier?

Edit throw RE in there to unless we're using her plan but I'd rather we see if Rosie can hit mafia for us?
logic340May 18, 2017 9:32 AM
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 18, 2017 9:42 AM

Dec 2013
RE1031 said:
logic340 said:
Honestly after my interaction with Rosie this morning I'm more inclined to believe she is TPR. If that emotion was faked she's a better scum than I give her credit for. That being said she's still got to go.

Thank you I thought I was going crazy about Cross. I know I like to tunnel the he'll out of him so I really do want other opinions. I'm liking his latest reads but me being his strongest town read after not explaining why I was off earlier has me a little concerned. Shinichi has been a bit standoffish while you and Rosie answered what do you make of that? If Rosie flips scum I'm liking right at Ruu.
If she flips TPR I'm liking st Ruu/Shinichi/Crossbell

You're right I jumped from scum!Cross to scum!grrr then lost is the game by throwing away my reads and going with mechanics and vote counts (i wont be doing that again).

I honestly don't think Shinichi is scum. I stand by my assessment from day 1 - that scum wouldn't plan ahead of time who they were going to pressure vote based on the role. I did get a little worried because his ability can be really helpful to scum since it's pretty much confirmed that Rosie is dying today (so he can get the bomb), and I'm most likely dying today unless by some off chance Rosie chose odd instead of even, and double voter is also helpful to scum. But that's based on the role, not the person.
And yeah, I wouldn't give Crossbell anymore freebies. Day 1 was townie enough, but today he goes from suspecting me to tagging me in a post saying we should vote Rosie. It's a slim chance, but it's possible when he said that he visited Zymf that he didn't read the part where Zymf said he was gonna jail Crossbell (cause scum don't read always).
Anyway before I suspect Ruu even more I'd like to see her reaction to my plan (as well as everyone's).

@Shinichi-kun Yes they are, but if someone said they were going to roleblock you, would you take that chance and use an ability?

Yes of course espically if they don't know my ability is X shots its not like i lose anything cause i can also bluff.

May 18, 2017 9:46 AM

Jan 2010
Ruu said:
Crossbell said:
You fooled me in Final Fantasy 15 Mafia. Really got me good that game :(

wait didn't I quit that game after like two phases? xD It was the one Shad hosted right? I got replace after a couple of days :/
Denja and I caught you D1 but w lynched our cop (bunny) instead. D2 you worked out of being lynched again (iirc) at the cost of Soren. I scum read you that whole game yet kept getting accused of protecting you? You did pay well that game ave I wish Denja was here to tickle you now.

What's up with your vote? I hope you're not avoiding this Rosie train.
If Rosie is scum whoop is her teammate?
If she's TPR do you think there are 2 scum left? If so who are they?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 18, 2017 9:50 AM

Jan 2010
Shinichi-Kun said:
RE1031 said:

I honestly don't think Shinichi is scum. I stand by my assessment from day 1 - that scum wouldn't plan ahead of time who they were going to pressure vote based on the role. I did get a little worried because his ability can be really helpful to scum since it's pretty much confirmed that Rosie is dying today (so he can get the bomb), and I'm most likely dying today unless by some off chance Rosie chose odd instead of even, and double voter is also helpful to scum. But that's based on the role, not the person.
And yeah, I wouldn't give Crossbell anymore freebies. Day 1 was townie enough, but today he goes from suspecting me to tagging me in a post saying we should vote Rosie. It's a slim chance, but it's possible when he said that he visited Zymf that he didn't read the part where Zymf said he was gonna jail Crossbell (cause scum don't read always).
Anyway before I suspect Ruu even more I'd like to see her reaction to my plan (as well as everyone's).

@Shinichi-kun Yes they are, but if someone said they were going to roleblock you, would you take that chance and use an ability?

Yes of course espically if they don't know my ability is X shots its not like i lose anything cause i can also bluff.
watcher is a 2-shot ability. I know that when I was JoAT if I got rb I lost a shot so i see where RE is coming from. I'm not sure that Crossbell was active during the night phase I'd have to look back real quick. I think what RE is saying is why would Crossbell risk losing a shot to a role block when he only had 2? @RE1031 correct me if I'm wrong?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 18, 2017 9:50 AM

Dec 2013
RE1031 said:
wen294 said:

Can't we just make all the people in the PoE pile vote for Rosie, and then rosie can just kill whoever from that pile?

I did think about this lol but it seems a bit cruel. Plus I doubt they would consent. Town knowing they themselves are town wouldn't do it, and mafia wouldn't do it either cause they are scum.

SAdly u are right

May 18, 2017 9:57 AM

Sep 2016
logic340 said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

Yes of course espically if they don't know my ability is X shots its not like i lose anything cause i can also bluff.
watcher is a 2-shot ability. I know that when I was JoAT if I got rb I lost a shot so i see where RE is coming from. I'm not sure that Crossbell was active during the night phase I'd have to look back real quick. I think what RE is saying is why would Crossbell risk losing a shot to a role block when he only had 2? @RE1031 correct me if I'm wrong?

Yep that's what I mean.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2017 9:57 AM

Jan 2010
Shinichi-Kun said:
RE1031 said:

I did think about this lol but it seems a bit cruel. Plus I doubt they would consent. Town knowing they themselves are town wouldn't do it, and mafia wouldn't do it either cause they are scum.

SAdly u are right
regardless I still think it's worth talking about. Is there anyone else other than Zymf you exempt?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 18, 2017 9:57 AM

Aug 2013
Shinichi-Kun said:
Oyasumi_Rosie said:
They posted "My plan fails if Rosie is not scum."

But your talking under the assumption we all beive your claim lol
It doesn't matter if you believe my plan, now that RE has failed i can say with 200% that it won't work and it doesn't matter

May 18, 2017 9:59 AM

Aug 2013
@Jackrito @Togs

This day isn't worth playing out at this point. With night talk people have plenty of time to talk and work out their plans. Please end the phase as soon as you can.

May 18, 2017 10:06 AM

Sep 2016
Oyasumi_Rosie said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

But your talking under the assumption we all beive your claim lol
It doesn't matter if you believe my plan, now that RE has failed i can say with 200% that it won't work and it doesn't matter

Not sure what you mean, did you read my plan? It can happen still. Unless people are actually willing to throw themselves under the bus because they are getting scum-read slightly more than others.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2017 10:08 AM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

SAdly u are right
regardless I still think it's worth talking about. Is there anyone else other than Zymf you exempt?

I dont wanna specfically pick anyone because i want people to make the wrong or right choice themselves its the best way to catch a slip.

May 18, 2017 10:08 AM

Aug 2013
RE1031 said:
Oyasumi_Rosie said:
It doesn't matter if you believe my plan, now that RE has failed i can say with 200% that it won't work and it doesn't matter

Not sure what you mean, did you read my plan? It can happen still. Unless people are actually willing to throw themselves under the bus because they are getting scum-read slightly more than others.
Read between the lines. I'm not scum and the bomb can't go off today. THat is one of the many reason I was asking to be killed yesterday, and hoping I would get killed last night

May 18, 2017 10:08 AM

Jan 2010
Shinichi-Kun said:
logic340 said:
Vote count I the spoiler below.
Based of my current reads and what I can make of this vote count I'd say You, Shinichi, Ruu, or Mela (to a lesser extent since our interaction) You could throw RE in there too but I have a town on right now. So you, Ruu, Shinichi would be where I would look.

So I am not really the greatest at analyzing vote counts so anyone who is please help me out. This is from my PoV. You all know the drill by add yourself to it, analyze it, and please share your thoughts.

From my POV since abu was on mela train its possible no one there is scum since i dont think scum would vote for the same person this early but then again rosie is on that train >_>.

If youu look at the abu train logically the only people who could possibly be scum there is wen or crossbell maybe wen tho?

Also @logic340 why is ruu vote on you?
I can to the same conclusion on wen and Crossbell as I've seen both of them bus in similar situations. I have a stronger read on wen though.

Ruu voted for me because she said I felt like scum logic from Sailor Moon mafia. I asked others about this comparison but they are both scum (Rosie/Abu). It seems I've moved from scum to neutral now. Here is the post with her vote on me.

Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 18, 2017 10:08 AM

Dec 2013
Oyasumi_Rosie said:
@Jackrito @Togs

This day isn't worth playing out at this point. With night talk people have plenty of time to talk and work out their plans. Please end the phase as soon as you can.

Absolutely not

May 18, 2017 10:09 AM

Aug 2013
Shinichi-Kun said:
logic340 said:
regardless I still think it's worth talking about. Is there anyone else other than Zymf you exempt?

I dont wanna specfically pick anyone because i want people to make the wrong or right choice themselves its the best way to catch a slip.
People want info right?? Lets pester the mod! Get the to change the day. The you will get more info to talk about

May 18, 2017 10:09 AM

Dec 2013
RE1031 said:
logic340 said:
watcher is a 2-shot ability. I know that when I was JoAT if I got rb I lost a shot so i see where RE is coming from. I'm not sure that Crossbell was active during the night phase I'd have to look back real quick. I think what RE is saying is why would Crossbell risk losing a shot to a role block when he only had 2? @RE1031 correct me if I'm wrong?

Yep that's what I mean.

Ik this but people need to take risks

May 18, 2017 10:10 AM

Aug 2013
Shinichi-Kun said:
Oyasumi_Rosie said:
@Jackrito @Togs

This day isn't worth playing out at this point. With night talk people have plenty of time to talk and work out their plans. Please end the phase as soon as you can.

Absolutely not
No, what is the point? What is any good reas to continue this day when there is nothing to learn from it?

May 18, 2017 10:12 AM

Dec 2013
Oyasumi_Rosie said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

I dont wanna specfically pick anyone because i want people to make the wrong or right choice themselves its the best way to catch a slip.
People want info right?? Lets pester the mod! Get the to change the day. The you will get more info to talk about

no i wont say it again

Oyasumi_Rosie said:
RE1031 said:

Not sure what you mean, did you read my plan? It can happen still. Unless people are actually willing to throw themselves under the bus because they are getting scum-read slightly more than others.
Read between the lines. I'm not scum and the bomb can't go off today. THat is one of the many reason I was asking to be killed yesterday, and hoping I would get killed last night

So your implying you choose odd phases?

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